Tembelea Child-Help International
By including Child-Help in your will, you offer a chance to children with a disability that otherwise would not get a chance at all. For instance, you contribute to the training of medical staff, or you ensure that children with a disability have better access to quality care in developing countries.
After your death, your inheritance will go to your family members or others appointed by you in your will.
A part of your inheritance will by law be allocated to heirs (spouse, children, grandchildren, parents). You are free to allocate the remaining part to other beneficiaries. When there are no lawful heirs and there is no will, then your inheritance will go to the State in full.
When you draft a will, you can decide that one or more charities that are close to your heart will be supported after your death. Needless to say, a will can never surpass legislation. It is essential that the rights of a spouse and of children are respected. However, you are free to decide that a part of your assets will be granted to a charitable organization, for instance, Child-Help Tanzania.
You can send a request for further information about bequests and legacies to [email protected]