Visit Child-Help International


What we do

We support children and adults with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. We offer our services where we can facilitate, such as medical and surgical materials distribution to health care centers, training and coaching of service and health providers, awareness and advocacy, and provision of transit homes for parents and children with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, all for the sake of securing a better future, a sustainable inclusive environment for children with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. To achieve this, Child-Help Tanzania works with all potential stakeholders in Tanzania to build on existing possibilities and initiatives from parents and local caregivers.

Our Scope of Work

Lifelong Care

We make it our ultimate goal and duty to facilitate and ensure that people with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus receive services that are crucial for their survival and a sustainable future. These services include health insurance plans, transit homes that accommodate parents coming from rural areas for their children’s treatment, continence management training and follow-up, education, and assistive devices e.g., wheelchairs, crutches, transportation.

Medical and surgical materials distribution

As part of our main objectives, we prioritize supply and distribution of medical and surgical materials to allied healthcare and parent-support centers, and ensure availability and easy accessibility of the materials. Shortly after birth, the child has to go through surgery to either close the back or drain excess fluid from the head. Any delay could cause permanent damage. Early and easy accessibility to readily equipped health centers can exponentially increase chances of avoiding permanent damage or even survival in some cases.

Policy advocacy and Capacity Building

Our team actively participates in advocating for PWDs (people with disabilities), and capacity building for team members, partners, and the beneficiaries on vitally important matters that conform with our goals and mission.

Economic empowerment

By working towards securing a sustainable future for the children, we also endeavor to economically empower parents and the SBH youth by either investing in entrepreneurs, or provide training on entrepreneurship and labor market skills.
